Our Healing Tea

My experience with Our Healing Tea has been absolutely amazing!

I did this fast because I have a bunch of health problems, including Interstitial Cystitis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, chronic Lyme, skin issues and ADHD. Even though I’ve been on my healing journey for the past several years and have come an extraordinarily long way, I still have a great deal of additional detoxing and healing to do.

As soon as I drank the tea I noticed an immediate reduction in pain and inflammation! My first impression of the tea was that the taste was very pleasant, especially for a tea with so many powerful herbs. I also noticed that my skin was absolutely glowing! The first night I had a healing crisis where I began sweating, when it was 30 degrees outside and my body usually has difficulties in breaking a sweat!

“The following days were so wonderful that I didn’t want to stop the fast!

My pain and inflammation was reduced from the tea as the healing crisis subsided. I felt so great that I didn’t want the feeling to end! I continued the fast on Our Healing Tea for 12 days, a total of 15 days of fasting altogether, (I did a 3 day grape juice fast before to prepare for it).

I love Our Healing Tea and I’m going to continue drinking it because of the amazing healing I’ve experienced from it! I feel cleansed and renewed inside and out! Thank you, again, Our Botanicals, for such an awesome tea and experience!!


I’m so blessed to have had this opportunity to fast for 3 days on primarily Our Botanicals “Our Healing Tea”. My intentions for this fast were simply to rest and allow my body to heal itself with the support of the tea. Little did I know how POWERFUL at DETOX these herbs are and how satisfying the taste is! I was completely shocked at how fast I start detoxing. Within the first 4hrs I started expelling mucus, and after the first 24hrs I noticed my hormonal acne starting to leave. Very pleased with those results!

“Our Healing Tea will be a morning staple in my morning routine!”

I went onto day 2 which was very challenging, more detox symptoms like headaches, more mucus and fatigue, BUT finally noticed KIDNEY FILTRATION! That totally made me HAPPY! I then noticed less inflammation in my upper back area as the day went on. I did add some fruit and grape juice in to slow down detox due to healing crises, which helped GREATLY.

At day 3 my skin was very smooth, I started filtering, had less inflammation, and my senses were heightened.

I am so ever THANKFUL for this short fast! Definitely a reset and I have clearer vision of what my intuition is leading me to do on my healing journey! Our Healing Tea will be a morning staple in my morning routine!

In all my years of fasting and detoxing I actually never quite felt as alive as I did with the Our Healing Tea. I survived 3 days of only tea! My experience was very tough since I decided to be EXTREMELY gluttonous on my trip to Spain before! NOT THE BEST IDEA at all! There is a regimen I follow before diving into a tea fast, because easing your way into it is what is needed. I made it quite difficult for myself by indulging in all the unhealthy vegan junk food from my travels.

I did 1 day of raw juices then hopped into my fast the next day. The 3 days I did my fast was intense. I made my 48 oz of tea fresh every day, and used a Yeti thermos which kept my tea warm ALL Day. It was PERFECT! I didn’t add lemon my first day to try the tea at its most natural state. To my surprise the Tea was NOT bitter at all. It was earthy but not overwhelming. It was very easy to drink!
As the day progressed, I was a bit foggy and unable to concentrate which is normal ESPECIALLY since I did not properly prep for this fast. I left work early and literally wanted to sleep. I could feel the tea working because my body was tired.

“To my surprise the Tea was NOT bitter at all. It was earthy but not overwhelming. It was very easy to drink!”

Black Walnut Hulls

The antioxidant and antibacterial compounds in their outer shells, or hulls, make them useful for naturally treating parasitic and bacterial infections.


Chaparral tea has been suggested for the treatment of bronchitis and the common cold. It also was used to alleviate rheumatic pain, stomach pain, chicken pox, and snake bite pain


Plantain has long been considered by herbalists to be a useful remedy for cough, wounds, inflamed skin or dermatitis, and insect bites.

Comfrey Root & Leaf

Comfrey roots and leaves contain allantoin, a substance that helps new skin cells grow, along with other substances that reduce inflammation and keep skin healthy. Comfrey ointments have been used to heal bruises as well as pulled muscles and ligaments, fractures, sprains, strains, and osteoarthritis.

Marshmallow Root

Some natural and herbal cough syrups and cough drops contain marshmallow root. Improving dry mouth.Protecting against ulcers.

Burdock Root

People take burdock to increase urine flow, kill germs, reduce fever, and “purify” their blood. It is also used to treat colds, cancer, anorexia nervosa, gastrointestinal (GI) complaints, joint pain (rheumatism), gout, bladder infections, complications of syphilis, and skin conditions including acne and psoriasis.

Our Story

Our potent herbal blend for detoxifying cells and supporting the endocrine glands!

When our clients ask us for one herbal formula they can take to address a number of their symptoms, we always first recommend Our Healing Tea. Our customers love it and swear by it in their journey of health and healing, while in the office we drink it by the gallon every day.

Over the years we have discovered a few tricks to making Our Healing Tea so that is is really strong, lasts a long time, and is super simple to prepare.

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