Get Happy About the Happiness Tonic!

Enjoy Dr Robert Morse’s Happiness Tonic

Who doesn’t want a little more happiness in their lives? Today I am excited to share my love for a certain herbal formula that I think all people could benefit from.

The Happiness Tonic, which comes in capsule form, was created not only to keep our hearts and minds uplifted but to eliminate anxiety and insomnia, short and long term memory loss, as well as prevent the onset of mental imbalances such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. The powerful ingredients contained in this formula include:

Organic, Consciously Cultivated & Wildcrafted Herbal Ingredients

• Gardenia Leaf & Flower
• Gotu Kola Herb
• Kelp Frond Powder
• Chaste Tree Berry
• Oat Straw
• Rosemary Leaf
• Alfalfa Leaf Juice Powder
• Wild Yam Root
• Schizandra Berry
• Saw Palmetto Berry
• Ginko Leaf
• Eleuthero Root
• Ho Shu Wu Root
• Rhodiola Root
• Prickly Ash Bark

Without caffeine or stimulants this formula will naturally boost your energy levels. If you are someone who finds yourself mentally fatigued, forgetting things, or you can’t seem to stay focused at work, these herbs will help you to stay focused and energized. Because of the several adaptogenics like Ho Shu Wu, Shizandra Berry and Gotu Kola, you will find yourself adaptable to the daily stresses of life without being easily thrown off balance.

Get Some Natural Aphrodisiacs Into You

With natural aphrodisiacs like Saw Palmetto Berry, Ginko and Oat Straw, this formula gets our energy circulating through out the body and enlivens and enhances our feelings of well being and positivity. Many of the herbs within this formula are well known for being longevity herbs, so not only are we feeling happy in our life but we are increasing our lifespan!

With all the stress and “crazy making” happening on the planet it can be hard to stay positive and balanced emotionally. Instead of turning to chemical and artificial medicine like pharmaceutical antidepressants or stimulants you can heal and tonify your entire system naturally with herbs and find improvement that is real and not just a quick fix.