The Illusion of Disease & Their Ultimate Solution
The Illusion of Diseases
The majority of the population gets scared when they hear the word ‘disease’ because they don’t know what it’s causes are. They think of “Diseases” as a separate entity, something mysterious from the outside world, something that falls from the sky, something that we ‘get’. This is the allopathic concept which is ridiculous and completely illusory, however it is a very successful business model for the pharmaceutical industry. It keeps the patient (customer) in an ignorant state of thinking that there is nothing he/she can do about his/her health condition.
Once you have a simple understanding of basic chemistry (acid / alkaline pH) and how the body works, you will realize that ‘diseases’ are nothing more than a profit oriented illusory concept with no curative value.
What Are ‘Dis-eases’?
Your Lymphatic system is your bodies ”sewer system” which deals with the acid side of chemistry. It eliminates acidic cellular wastes out of your body through your kidneys. When the Lymphatic system becomes stagnant due to poor dietary habits and lifestyle choices, these acidic cellular wastes will begin to accumulate in your body.
This then begins a process called ‘Acidosis’.
There are numerous biological symptoms that arise when our bodies pH balance becomes too acidic. Since acids are damaging and corrosive in their chemistry the cells in your body (organs, glands, tissue etc.) become irritated and can’t function properly. This means that our hormones, neurotransmitters and other important biological functions become negatively affected and can’t perform to their full potential. This then presents itself in the form symptoms, health problems, or what western medicine refers to as ‘diseases’.
What Causes ‘Dis-ease’?
The consumption of what we eat, drink, think, breathe and put on our skin determines the outcome of our health. Our dietary habits play the biggest role in this. Every bite we eat is bringing chemistry from the outside world into our bodies. The mainstream food pyramid has most of us believing that processed grains, dead animals and their milks are meant for human consumption and are part of a ‘balanced’ diet.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
These foods are not harmonious with the human physiology. They are very congesting, constipating, they leave behind a lot of metabolic waste and create acidity throughout the entire body. They have no health benefiting nutritional value and are the primary reason why so many people suffer form health conditions today. It’s absolutely essential to drastically reduce and in some cases completely eliminate these foods from your diet during the detoxification process.
The Solution!
The good news is that any over acidic condition (acidosis) of the body can be eliminated completely through proper detoxification. Raw foods (especially fruits) are very alkaline and neutralize acids in the body. They are astringent foods that help move the lymphatic system, flush the kidneys and increase neurological function. Fruits hydrate, clean, strengthen and tone every cell in your body.
In chronic and life threatening cases, a high fruit raw foods diet in conjunction with the use of botanical herbs is the most effective way to facilitate the healing process. Treatments such as surgery, radiation, drugs and injections used by the allopathic community indicate that they know little to nothing about how the human body truly functions. You must understand and abide by the laws of nature to fully activate your bodies self healing mechanism when you’re experiencing “dis-ease“. Your bodies self healing mechanism can only activate its true healing powers when your body is alkaline.
Acids hinder the healing process, they destroy and break down the function of cells, therefore it is essential that we first and foremost eliminate acid forming foods and make the required dietary changes for healing to take place. When the acids (cellular wastes) begin clearing out of your body your cells will gradually become more hydrated and oxygenated, thus allowing every system in your body to function properly again. When this equilibrium is achieved you will be ‘disease’ free. It is essential that we understand how our health problems are created so that we can reverse them. Detoxification and a positive mental attitude is the golden key!